(dia)grammatology of space
a 6 channel composition for computer and synthetic speech.
Premeiered at Berghain as part of CTM Festival for Adventurous Music on 02.02.2016.
(dia)grammatology of space it’s a sound piece and an experimental radio play deployed in a pursuit of multiple and transitive relations interceding ideas, objects and practices which seize technology as an impetus to engineer new - sonic, conceptual, social and political - worlds.

live at Berghain, Photo by Camille Blake
The work consists in a series of exploratory articulations between libretto (in its multilingual rendering), procedures for machine speech analysis/re-synthesis and computer music. Its conceptual point of departure is an original text of libretto written by Helen Hester and Katrina Burch (aka yoneda.lemma) from Laboria Cubonics collective and Virginia Barrett of VNS Matrix.
Navigating through an unremitting convergence of signic (what’s said?) and sonic (what’s heard?) the listener becomes challenged to reconstruct and integrate this multiplicity of registers and to reveal various interlacings between domains of cognitive speech processing, perception of synthetic sound, politics and technology. As such (dia)grammatology of space should be considered not in its ostensible autonomy - as a product of artistic fabrication - but in its singular power to explore, contribute, rearrange and destabilize the configurational relations between parameters of thought, imagination and material constraints that structure and parameterize the knowledge space.
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The composition has been commissioned by Deutschlandradio Kultur - Hörspiel and CTM. Production supported by Adam Mickiewicz Institute through "Polish Culture Abroad" grant and Edinburgh College of Art Research Fund.